

Jun 2, 2023

Hi guys! I’ve put together some of my favourite feline facts and thought I’d share them with everyone. Please don’t hesitate to leave any interesting facts you have in the comments section!

1) Did you know male cats have longer tails than females?

2)  A cat was the mayor of an Alaskan town for 20 years! He was an orange tabby called Stubbs!!

3) The record for the loudest purr was 67.8 decibels. 

4) We know that cats have whiskers above their upper lip, but cats have whiskers on the backs of their front legs, too.

5) Cats live longer when they stay indoors.

6) Grapes, raisins, onion, garlic, chives and chocolate are all very harmful to cats. Grapes can cause kidney failure, and onions, garlic and chives can cause anaemia.

7) According to Wilde, a slow blink is a kitty kiss. This has to be my favourite fact so far!

8) Cats dream, just like people do!

9) Each cats nose print is unique, a bit like human fingerprints.

10) This is another favourite of mine. Cats are the world’s 2nd most popular pet!!

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